Inspired By Excellence & Innovation
We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.
We offer a range of training packages in a range of subject areas and can offer blended learning opportunities to best meet your needs. If sitting in a room with a trainer and having the opportunity for discussion with other learners sounds good to you then we can offer this. If you have enough people wanting to attend the same course.
If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed then one of our e-learning packages may be right up your street. There is a third option, which is you like the sound of both but perhaps can’t attend all training sessions, this is when blended learning comes into its own.
Sam – Tutela Integrata
La Tutela Integrata è un percorso scolastico annuale, finalizzato al conseguimento del diploma di scuola secondaria di primo grado.
Catechismo – Riconciliazione
Quest’anno mira anzitutto a presentare Gesù che spiega le antiche “Scritture” come annuncio e preparazione alla venuta di Lui come Messia e Figlio di Dio.
Catechismo – Eucaristia
Quest’anno si propone come meta generale di riconoscere e di incontrare Gesù nella celebrazione dell’Eucaristia, affinché Egli possa “rimanere” nella nostra vita.
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Salesiani San Paolo